
Mortal recordings is a music lounge,
nomad and protean,
bringing together an organic and flexible team of poets,
artists, musicians and believers
for moments of improvisations and researches
in every musical direction
in a whimsical space,
drawn and created by it’s own members.


Movie soundtrack was the second edition of mortal Recordings,
it happened during the festival 100%
in one of the la Villette garden pavilions.

Quibus Auxilis

All elements which compose the set has been designed by Clemence and Theo, such as: speakers, acoustic panels and walls, floor, sofa, lightings, room dividers, part of musical instruments and a few others poetic pieces.


Mortal Recordings try to build a collective culture around the free musical composition,
has a sort of club, a thematic lounge.
There is a shared interest between the members
to develop the situation of the recording,
as a ground for creating a collective poetic
merging many artistic identities
and the material environnement leading to this alchemy.


For Movie Soundtrack, during 4 days and nights, the space, it’s members and it’s visitors improvised and composed the soundtracks of 5 authors movies.
Then, the recording salon stays activated by the visitors for the duration of the festival, and the movies has been screened in a cinema room inside the pavilion.


with Clémence Seilles, Joseph Marzolla, Emilie Pischedda, Estrid Lutz , Théo Wong , Egon Elliut , Charles Benjamin , Raphael Rossi, Sandra Berrebi, Victor Tricard
